Learning Objectives
By the end of this session,
students are expected to be able to:
· Define pneumonia
· Identify the
clinical features of pneumonia in paediatrics
· Identify the causative organisms of pneumonia
· Formulate the diagnosis of pneumonia in
· Identify treatment of pneumonia in paediatrics
· Identify complications of pneumonia
Definition of Terms
· Pneumonia: An infection of lower respiratory tract
characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma with consolidation of
· Causative
organism depending on age:
< 1 month – group B streptococci, E.
Coli, Klebsiella, Chlamydia trachomatis
§ Viruses: RSV,
adenovirus, measles virus
§ HIV and
AIDS-related: Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonitis (LIP), Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP/PJP)
§ Bacteria and
fungi: Streptococci pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenza
§ Bacterial: Streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus
influenzae, Group A streptococci, Mycoplasma
§ HIV and
AIDS-related: Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonitis (LIP), Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP/PJP)
§ Secondary
Clinical Features of Pneumonia
· Usually
following a Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (UTRI) the patient develops
worsening fever, cough or difficulty in breathing
· Tachypnea (fast
breathing) is a key sign
· Tachycardia
· Fever
· Refusal to
· The classic
signs of consolidation might be present but they are difficult to detect in
infants, crepitations/crackles might be present
· In bacterial
pneumonia, pleural inflammation causing chest or abdominal pain and an effusion
may develop
Diagnosis of Pneumonia
Based on clinical presentation
Chest X-ray
- Not needed if diagnosis is clear and the patient responds to treatment
- Needed in complications and treatment failure:
§ Effusion
§ Pneumatocele
§ Abscess, TB (to
be considered)
- A full blood count (FBC) not needed, but repeated ESR and Hb show the progress of recovery
- Blood culture
- Repeated blood culture when sepsis is suspected
Mantoux Test
- If poor response to treatment always consider Tuberculosis (TB)
- Mantoux test is not very sensitive in active pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB)
Gastric/nasopharyngeal aspirate
For Acid-fast bacilli stain
(AFB), preferred method to diagnose TB
One may also take this
opportunity to do a Gram stain
Note: Young children are unable
to produce sputum and definitive diagnosis of bacterial infection remains
difficult. The following suggest bacterial pneumonia: polymorphonuclear
leucocytosis, lobar consolidation and pleural effusion.
Activity: IMCI Part I Video Segment
The tutor will show a short video segment entitled ‘Counting
respiratory rate in a child with cough or difficult breathing’. Take notes of
key issues during the video, note down any questions and ask for
clarification during discussion.
Treatment of Pneumonia
Treatment of pneumonia depends
on severity, causative organism and age of the patient.

Complications of Pneumonia
Abscess formation
Pleural involvement: pleural effusion or empyema
Lung collapse (atelectasis)
Cardiac failure
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